So, just about a week ago I arrived in India. Rather than being exposed to the rumoured poor Indian AIESEC reception service, I had an amazing one. I got picked up at the airport by one of the AIESECers in Delhi. She took me to one of the intern flats for the interns staying a shorter time and sure, that wasn't exactly an amazing place to be – but rather than react with disgust as I noted some of the other interns had, I felt that it was somehow within my frame of expectations.
Day after arriving I took a 3 hour detour to the office (via north Delhi, when my office was in south) and finally got to meet my manager for the next 6 months – Parag Gupta. A really down-to-earth,interesting guy. I am sure I'll pick up quite a lot of things from him. We spent some time looking through our new office (just rented that same day – this is really a start-up for sure) after which he introduced me to the close-by oasis: Select City Mall, an almost crucial place in case the crowded, hot and hectic Delhi life gets to you.
The very next day we headed out to Bokaro Steel City where our first project is to be located. After a 14 hour train ride, I find myself, within 3 days of arriving in India, working with Parag and a local NGO to create the plans and starting to build a 1-tonne organic compost plant!
Exciting times.