Amusing, intense love-gone-bad story taking place in Delhi and Punjab, chock-full of references in each and every direction.
Category Archives: Movies
Neo-nazi kids
At 29m54s is when it turns quite scary, though hardly surprising. HOWEVER, a more subtle interesting thing happens at 42m05s when they ask the documentary maker – “who do you usually date? do you usually date white women?”. They think they’ve made some great point about how he should be a racist too, but rather the point they’re making (in my eyes) is how race (even in the unconscious actions of a self-confessed “multiculturalist”) is still very much material. Despite living in the UK (I assume) and probably in London (I assume) and despite being a “multiculturalist” this white boy, dates white girls.
Chicken with Plums
Pretty photography, beautiful animation and a generally entertaining story line. A feel good film that seem to hark to Amelie Poulain, but which doesn’t quite end up being as captivating.
Tiny Furniture
Highly enjoyable, small scale film about the process of adjusting to new circumstances and the anxiety of being 25. Doesn’t try to be much more than what it is, and it’s all it needs to be.