Marketing videos?

Blendtec was really successfull with their marketing videos – in their campaign “will it blend?”. Read & Learn!

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Watch out walled gardens?

So, what do you think about walled gardens? These places hidden away from the public view, only accessible by the  people who come to fulfill the criteria (be it membership, or living close to them or what). Walled gardens on the internet are the places that doesn’t publish content publically… Vox is very much not one of these, however another site I frequent is – Facebook.

I was reading this blog post by Steve Rubel commeting on just this about Facebook, he says amongst other things:

For all of the excitement around Facebook and its application platform, it’s essentially a giant walled garden. You can embed virtually anything you want inside Facebook. Just like open APIs, Facebook’s developer program lets anyone create value in the ecosystem.

The problem, however, lies in this fact – Facebook gives nothing back to the broader web. A lot of stuff goes in, but nothing comes out. What happens in Facebook, stays in Facebook. As Robert Scoble noted, it’s almost completely invisible to Google. You can share only a limited amount of data on your public page – as he has here. That’s fine for many users, but not all.

I tend to agree – and for me as a user, one of the main drawbacks – is that I can’t take my content with me to the rest of my online social communities, like Vox or WordPress…

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Social media Press Release template

This is a quite informative template to social media press releases. It gives the connections of all the different places where you should be and be visible. Very nicely done! A bit old now, but still pretty current.

Could be good for the guys here at the office to post on their wall and have it in mind 🙂

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Company is community, Community is company

Over the past few days we’ve been a part of uploading Rebtel. From being a community located at Augustendahlsvägen in Nacka, Stockholm it’s taken the step to become a community bound together over the internet.


This is the start of what we wantto do… take these guys put them online get our student netowrks, put them online. Mashup and have them all connected with each other. Now only the CEO needs to get online!

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Metrobloggen – integrated ad revenues?

So a Swedish newspaper launches blogging support – Metro (you probably know it – it’s the free newspaper company that originally started in Stockholm) has launched what they call “Metrobloggen”. This is basically a bloghosting solution but with integrated ad-revenue + they combine it with their printed media in the form of “blogger of the month”.
The revenue you can earn from hosting your blog there is minimal – 3 Swedish öre per pageview (about 0,003 us cents) – and you would need a staggering amounts of views to get anything.

I doubt this set-up as it seems likely that no “hardcore” bloggers would actually use the service, and the threshold to start using Blogger is now pretty low. The success might be based on the combination of their printed media with the online blogsite + getting some celebbloggers on there.

The website is here (in Swedish though!).

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